Podcast: Demystifying Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Dr. Bruce Hoffman
March 4, 2024

Could you imagine a condition that affects virtually every organ, eludes the standard diagnostic criteria, and causes multi-system inflammation? Meet the perplexing world of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). MCAS is an elusive condition that affects many, yet remains largely misunderstood. MCAS is a syndrome that triggers multi-system inflammation, and due to its diverse range of symptoms, it often eludes typical diagnostic processes. It has a profound impact on both the body and mind. Mast cells are integral to our innate immune system, playing a crucial role in safeguarding us against foreign invaders, allergens, and environmental toxins. However, potential triggers of mast cell hyperactivity can range from environmental toxins to mold.

Today I’m with Dr. Bruce Hoffman and we dissect this complex condition and delve into the critical role of mast cells in our immune system. Learn how mast cells, our body’s fierce protectors against toxins, might turn hyperactive due to triggers like environmental toxins, heavy metals, or mold, launching a cell danger response that could send your body into a protective shutdown. The conversation takes a deeper turn as we explore the intersection of physical and mental health. Focusing on those battling MCAS and early developmental trauma, Dr. Hoffman shares invaluable self-regulation strategies and lends insight into the significance of neurofeedback and building a window of tolerance.

Dr. Hoffman is board-certified and has a fellowship in anti-aging medicine as well as a Master’s degree in clinical nutrition. He is also a certified functional medicine practitioner. In addition to his clinical training, Dr. Hoffman has studied with many of the leading mind-body and spiritual healers of our times, including Deepak Chopra, Paul Lowe, Osho, Ramesh Balsekar, and Jon Kabat-Zinn. He has shared the stage with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. John F. Demartini, and he continues to spread his inspiring vision of healing and wellness with audiences and patients around the world.

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What we discuss:

(0:03:00) – Understanding Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

(0:15:27) – Treating Physical and Mental Health Impacts

(0:23:09) – Understanding and Healing Unconscious Dynamics

(0:38:05) – Treatment and Management of Histamine Intolerance

(0:45:12) – Building Resilience and Shifting Healthcare Paradigms

(0:57:19) – New Health Curriculum for Transformation

Key takeaways:

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a condition where mast cells, a component of our immune system, become hyperactive and trigger inflammation across multiple systems in the body. This can result in a wide range of symptoms and can be difficult to diagnose. Potential triggers of this hyperactivity can include environmental toxins, mold, and certain foods.

Physical and mental health are interconnected when it comes to MCAS. Individuals with this syndrome may have early developmental trauma which can exacerbate symptoms. Learning self-regulation techniques, such as neurofeedback, can be beneficial for managing stress and promoting balance in

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Welcome to the biohacking superhuman performance podcast. My name is Natalie Niddam. I’m a nutritionist and human potential and epigenetic coach. And I created this podcast to bring you the latest ways to take control of your health and longevity. We cover it all, from new technology to ancestral health practices, personalized interventions, and a very special interest of mine: peptides. Enjoy the show.


Hey, folks, welcome back to the show. Today’s episode is going to be amazing. It’s a topic I’ve been wanting to explore forever, and a doctor I’ve wanted to have on the show for even longer. His name is Dr. Bruce Hoffman. And we’re going to talk about mast cell activation syndrome, cellular membrane stability and everything associated with it. But before we do that, I do want to thank one of our sponsors, who is Mito pure from timeline nutrition, so metal pure. If you haven’t been listening to this podcast for too long, you might not know is the first product to offer a precise dose of your lithium a that supports my toppity and increases cellular energy. So why is this important? Well, mitochondria become damaged and dysfunctional over time, which leads to the production of harmful byproducts and the disruption of normal cellular function. This is a huge issue. My toffee G ultimately helps in maintaining healthy mitochondria by eliminating these damaged ones, which allows for the proper functioning of cells and overall cellular health. It also encourages the body to make new mitochondria. So optimizing your cellular health is crucial for maintaining healthy tissues, organs and systems in your body. So not just it might appear has been shown clinically to improve performance in muscle. But it’s also been shown to improve immune function, brain function, heart function, it is amazing. Well, I mean, frankly, mitochondria are critical to every single system. So might appear from timeline nutrition gives you three ways to get your daily dose of 500 milligrams of your lithium a, there’s a delicious vanilla protein powder that combines muscle building protein with the cellular energy of myopia. There’s also a berry or a ginger powder that easily mixes into smoothies or just about any drink. I love it in my yogurt in the morning, sometimes if I have yogurt, and for my as part of my breakfast. And finally they have these amazing soft gels that you can use for travel, I would recommend that you consider the starter pack because that lets you try all three forms of myopia so you can figure out which one is your favorite. So timelines offering 10% off your first order of myopia, all you have to do is go to timeline, forward slash net 10 and use code net 10 to get 10% off your order. All right, now let’s talk a little bit more about the episode. So imagine a condition that affects virtually every organ eludes the standard diagnostic criteria. And this is where people get gaslit all the time, and causes multi system inflammation. Meet the perplexing world of mast cell activation syndrome, otherwise known as M. Cass. Today I’m joined by Dr. Bruce Hoffman to discuss this complex condition and explore the critical role of mast cells in our immune system. Mast cells are a body’s first line of defense against foreign invaders, allergen and environmental toxins. However, they can become hyperactive in response to triggers like environmental toxins, heavy metals, mold, and even early developmental trauma. And we talked about that in the episode. This can ultimately lead to a cell danger response, which essentially sends the body into protective shutdown. And if this is you, you might be that person that seems to react everything. Dr. Hoffman is amazing. He’s just the kindest, most knowledgeable, unbelievable guy. He’s board certified has a fellowship in anti aging medicine, as well as a master’s degree in clinical nutrition is also a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. In addition to his clinical training, Dr. Hoffman has studied with many of the leading mind body and spiritual healers of our times including people like Deepak Chopra, Paulo, our show, Ramesh balsa car, and Jon Kabat Zinn, who wrote the book, Why zebras don’t get ulcers. Rate, great book that highly recommend you read that Dr. Hoffman specializes in complex medical conditions. And he is the medical director of the Hoffman center of integrative medicine in Alberta, in Canada in Calgary and Alberta and Canada. And so to learn more about Dr. Hoffman or to reach out to him if you think that you might want to talk to him about something that’s going on in your world, you just need to go to the Hoffman Hoffman We’ll put that in the show notes. And that’s H O F F ma N center C E N T R


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A huge mistake, but you know, yeah, we just die a lot quicker. Exactly. You wouldn’t suffer but maybe one but okay, well, let’s talk about mast cells and what they do. Sure, so you know what, my cells are part of the innate immune system, and they provide protection against invading toxins. So they send out their bad white 1% of your white cells. So they’re not a huge component, but they are all the surfaces of your tissue, they in your eyes, your skin, your GI tract, your lungs, and they they send out up to 1000 mediators of inflammatory substances in order to protect you from further toxic load. That In so doing, they create a huge sort of multi symptom multi system array of symptomatology, and in every single organ system of the body. If you look at Dr. Efrain is one of the pioneers in this work. If you look at his sort of, there’s a chapter he hasn’t one of his books, he lists all the organs and all the symptoms as every single symptom in the book really, in every single organ can be potentially a mast cell activation issue. Wow patients you present with mast cell activation. You know, they go from pillar to post from specialist to specialist trying to find out why they don’t feel well with waxing and waning symptoms over a lifetime usually, and they never get diagnosed. They never get appropriately diagnosed. Because it’s not just allergy it’s inflammation with or without allergy.


So you can have inflammation and not be have the IGE allergy typical symptomatology, like rhinitis, or asthma or urticaria, or any of the IGE to allergy types and things that you can be massively inflamed from muscle activation, and have various symptoms that just evade normal diagnostic criteria. Right? Yeah. So someone tell if they have inflammation, just inflammation, or if their inflammation is linked back to their mast cells.


Suspicion really, you know, you’re just people who present with my cell activations, and they’ve been, you know, I’ve been sick for as long as I can remember, I had allergies as a child, I’ve been intolerant. I’ve got an unexplained anxiety and insomnia, that one go away. And they just have got exam or skin rashes that won’t respond. I got poor wound healing abilities, I got cross and nodules on my skin that seemed to grow cherry angiomas that seem to come and go, because my cells release growth factors that create little skin growths and skin tags and angiomas. So this is multitude are present multitude


ways of presenting, and if you don’t really have a high index of suspicion, you can often miss the diagnosis. Wow, okay, what’s the react to all the supplements? They react to all the foods?


This? I mean, I’ve spoken to people who can’t take a supplement like they can we get them in our group, you know, like they, they’re like, I can’t take any supplements. I’m down to four foods. I don’t know what to do anymore. So a patient today for foods can’t take anything. Like, what is that? That’s insane.


It’s insane. So what do we think? Is there any theory about what causes these mast cells to go haywire? Like? I mean, this is clearly not, you know, this is clearly not normal. This is not the way that they’re intended to work. Like, it’s almost like an autoimmune thing, right? It’s an immune system gone into overdrive. So what might drive what do we think might be driving myself into the state of hyper vigilance or hyperactivity? Well, we live in a world that is somewhat


overwhelming in terms of its capacity to


invade our defenses, we really have no idea how


vulnerable we are to food, mental, environmental, toxins, and how our body is just struggling to survive and keep abreast of this incoming wave of toxicity. And it’s really overwhelming. And it’s not hyperbole. It’s not conspiracy theory. It’s real. Ya know, we just wanted just at this moment in our evolution to put up with all the microplastics and heavy metals and insecticides and pesticides, and EMFs and mental stresses and buses that demand things of us. And, you know, it’s endless, the toxic load, and my cells are trying to keep up. And they trying to just protect you from going into this inflammatory response that that then shuts down your body in the so called Cell danger response.


Well, if you look at the Porges, autonomic polyvagal theory, that dorsal vagal response, where you shut yourself down to withdraw you from life, so you don’t keep exposing yourself to the things that are incoming.


Yeah, it’s like the first infantry men in the on the battleground trying to say, hey, you know, I’m going to protect you, and make sure you don’t die. But in the meantime, we can wreak havoc with your organ system shutting it down.


Out of life, stop doing it. Yeah.


Question by the Kandra. We’re going to produce a fatigue state so you can’t get up and keep doing what you’ve been doing.


That’s how it works. And then Robert Navarro cell danger response is absolutely clinically relevant. If all those people are watching, listening, if they don’t aren’t familiar with Robert Nivas theory of the cell danger response, I would highly recommend they get up to speed immediately on, on his work, which has been going on for 10 years now. Which he has carefully put together through multiple research papers, saying that you know, in the mitochondria, the first the canaries in the coal mine, you got these cells, you got 70 trillion cells. Inside each cell. We’ve got, you know, 100 to 2000 mitochondria, mitochondria,


drive the ATP


We produce like 70 kilograms of ATP a day is like ATP is is it?


Is it and mitochondria, they the most sensitive to this whole incoming onslaught. And as soon as they detect an overload of stresses, they change the outer membrane, they change their phospholipid structure, they change the voltage, and they literally undergo autophagy and die. And they take with them.


And my cell activation is one of the ways in which mitochondria get destroyed micelle, the mediators of inflammation


and they get all the factors, you know, the chemicals, the metals and the mold. Okay, so let’s so so let’s talk about those all of those triggers, right. So I mean, you’ve named now you know, so there’s, there’s the environmental toxins. So there’s the mold, there’s the heavy metals, there’s the pollutants in the air, there’s non native EMFs that you mentioned, as well, which some people seem to be more sensitive to than others, but anybody who thinks they’re not being affected by them, I used to be one of those people. I used to be like, Ah, I’m immune to EMFs until I was presenting at an event that happened to be in the middle of a field in Kentucky, where you couldn’t so much get a cell phone respond like a cell phone signal in this place. And my aura ring kept working because I, you know, I just wore it, but it was, The nights were so cold, and it was rainy and uncomfortable. And my HRV scores were off the charts. Yeah. And I was like, and it was it was the first time I probably the first time I’d been away from from the soup that we live in. And I was just like, wow, that’s nuts. Like you don’t know that you’re, you don’t know your body’s responding something to something because sometimes because it’s become your new normal like this is just how you are. Yeah, interestingly, my cell activation works EMFs trigger my cells to create these inflammatory mediators, which open up the ionic receptors in the cell membrane, which increase intracellular calcium, which increases intracellular glutamate, which is neuro excitatory Neuro Stimulator. So my cell EMF stimulate my cell activation. That’s how they work. Wow. That’s how they wreak havoc. Interestingly, just on that point, I recently went to South Africa, where they have load shedding. They have what? Load Shedding every hours, they shut off electricity to certain parts of the country. Oh,


yeah. So in Cape Town, and every two or three hours, electricity goes up dead.


And interestingly, the people around me with EMF sensitivity were having the time of their life, they felt so relaxed. So the whole country is in crisis, because you can’t get electricity. But the people with EMF will say, this is heaven. I want to move here. Thank God, that’s hilarious. It’s crazy and hilarious. Okay, so what do we do? So what do we do? So I mean, look, EMFs is the big knock, right? Because you cannot remove yourself from EMF. And so is it possible and I’m sorry, I’m just literally asking you this. We’ve we’ve mentioned all these different toxins? Is it possible that by reducing other toxins in the body by reducing that overall toxin load, we can help to rebuild some resilience so that the EMFs aren’t as dramatic?


Yes and no. So people who are electromagnetic hypersensitive will always tend to be you know, electromagnetic sensitive, but you can definitely lower the threshold. So, I mean, if I look at the major stressors for my cell activation, number one that trumps it, early developmental trauma, interesting. Yeah. Trump’s at 100% of the time, due to the dysregulated HPA axis, the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline axis, those individuals are very susceptible to mast cell activation. And that pathway has been well worked out by high cortisol, adrenaline triggers Maesa release. So early developmental trauma with ongoing stresses, mental stresses, number two would be mold. Mold is a massive trigger of muscle activation.


And then number three is food. I histaminergic, high inflammatory foods. Those are the top three in my well, then we go look for all the rest of metals, the chemicals, the infections and everything else.


BIOSIS the microbiome triggers? Yeah, yeah, it always comes down to those same things. Okay. So it you know, it is crazy, right? It’s, it’s, we’re, as I interviewed different people, we’re talking about different issues. So often it just comes right back to all these things and the, the early developmental those aces as people call it aces


that early developmental trauma is so again, it’s under reported, it’s even under acknowledged, I think by individuals themselves, right? It’s, it’s gaining momentum. I mean, I don’t think you can take a good medical history without doing an a score. Even though the a score, isn’t it, there’s much more to it. The thing that we look for mostly is interrupted bonds with a mother. Interesting. When there’s interrupted bonds with the mother, the HPA axis is usually quite dysregulated. And that systems in trouble. And you know, and it’s all unconscious dynamics, if you don’t do a Family Constellation, where you look into the unconscious dynamics, and entanglements of family systems, you won’t know that it’s that potent of an issue, then you look at heart rate variability and see if they tweaked in the sympathetic dominance. And then you look at q e g, is looking at brainwaves to see if they have dysregulation between the different delta theta, alpha and beta brainwaves. And you can tell this, these systems that are so dysregulated, and we do stress assessments looking for


physical stress based on mental triggers. And the first thing I do with every muscle activation patient is look at these parameters. And suggest and insist that they learn self regulation as a primary strategy before they even address the rest of it. If these individuals aren’t self regulating, and having the capacity to move between sympathetic and parasympathetic as you heal in that coherent zone between the two, they permanently in fight flight or collapse. Don’t even begin your work with the rest of it. It gets them to self regulate. Yeah, over and over and over every day, like working your biceps, morning, night, every hour. It takes nine months to a year to shift the neuroplasticity modules in the brain and to shift the default mode network that creates your sense of self is lot of work. Nobody wants to do it. Yeah.


No, no, everybody wants what Wait, wait, surely there’s a drug or a supplement I could take that would be so much easier than breathing, or this coherent business. So what are the two? You’re laughing? I know, I know, I know, listen, we all want the easy answer. And and sometimes humans, it’s actually is an easy answer. It just takes time and work and an application. So what have you found to be the best tools? And I’m sure it varies from person to person. Because I mean, I even find, you know, you’re, we’re all in a world where we’re in a sympathetic state. So even without M casts we’re trying to teach we’re trying to help people to figure out how they’re going to get themselves out of this constantly activated state. And I’ve found that what works for one doesn’t resonate for the other very, very individualized. Yeah, yes. So how we start with this is we start with even good ol Heart Math and wave training, love heart match, we use that we use that. Then we use neuro biofeedback we use neurofeedback, we use that five different six different strategies of Neurofeedback mind left brain tap all sorts of things. Yeah, then we do vagal tone strengthening with Razia Max and other devices. And if that’s not helpful, we then refer to as E practitioners to do somatic work to assist people in building a window of tolerance, whereby they can stay somewhat stabilized in the world of, you know, incoming stresses and they don’t just integrate and D granulate. Much. It’s the first sign of something that they can’t handle, you know, that is the core of treating myself in my world, in the world I work with, if that isn’t enough, and usually it is enough to begin the process of then building back up. But that’s where we begin is self regulation, neuro biofeedback. Building a window of tolerance, building self regulation, coherence so that they’re not so disintegrate, they don’t just, they don’t


fall apart as easily. It can be a lot of work, you know, it can be a lot of work. Well, I mean, in the case, I mean, when you’re talking about early developmental trauma, you’re talking about broken bond disrupted bonds with mom when they were babies, like we’re talking about deep deep work here like are this isn’t just, you know, I’m gonna I’m gonna learn how to do a box breath and everything’s gonna be great. I mean, box breath might be helpful, but this is I mean, this is this is so interesting, right? Because it takes a physiological condition into the realm of, of mental health. It’s interesting thing, Natalie is that you know, we have this Cartesian body


Mighty body mind split, which we know is not true. But the body mind is one thing, there is no separation, there’s not there isn’t a body and a mind is, is one phenomena. And those two are equal. Yeah. So whatever your internal dialogue is, from your early development for all inherited family trauma, you can act out your


inherited trauma, early developmental trauma, if you don’t try and create some conscious insight into what actually happened, and what you’ve inherited, and what’s not yours to act out, you can’t begin the process of downregulation because I work in these layers and levels of healing from you know, the so called self was or soul down to mind and ego down to emotion down to brain and energetics down to biology and structure down to toxicology and the external environment. If you don’t heal at the higher levels, which trickled down to biology, you can’t go at biology now because all of this is impeding the you know, it’s impeding the flow of electrons


on right, like they’re, the body’s hanging on to stuff and it won’t let go. Unconscious dynamics of entanglement can ruin your life. And you won’t even know it because it’s before memory was developed at the age of three or four. Yeah, but you need somebody who’s skilled in how to interpret family systems inherited trauma and early developmental trauma and apply it to physiology and practice. It’s just it’s it needs you need to somebody a very well trained in that who can really lead you through that and put you into a practical approach how to manage it. Yeah. So But now everybody that that’s that present with them cast doesn’t necessarily have that early childhood trauma. And yeah, but But you but you’re going in position is most if not all, people still have some degree of of self regulation issue in the parasympathetic nervous system. Almost always Yeah. which then translates into the gut through the vagus nerve of course, so they get cut this motility and all sorts of dysautonomia is of the vagal tone. Then they get you know, you have these pent these triads and Pentair symptoms go together. We’ve got the muscle activation pots, hypermobility people,




There’s a triad, you see them a lot together. Then you get the Pentel where you get this autonomia and you get autoimmune disease. That’s the pintech. So that adds on to the first three. Yeah, they’re all they will go around like a you know, like a water in a sort of drain, they swirl around each other, and the one precedes the other, then they just sort of feed of each other. And the phenotype that presents often females aged 15 to 45 is a very common phenotype of people presenting in that way. But we’ll have a mobile much more my so much more artsy. Not a Potts, a lot of disorder. Yeah. So but with EDS, it’s which is Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, for those of you listening who don’t know what EDS is, that’s a genetic condition, is it not?


There’s different subcategories of Ehlers Danlos, peros danlos, sort of hyper mobile type three, there’s no genetics, particular genetics that drive it. There’s just a predisposition to it. But there are genetic, Ehlers Danlos conditions of course, yeah. Well, these people who just don’t make collagen, or they don’t make it efficiently, or they don’t make enough or they don’t make a certain type. I mean, I have, I have a friend. You know, I didn’t know anything about EDS. And I mean, this is a woman who literally had to have all of the teeth pulled out of her mouth because they were just breaking like she, you know, her body wasn’t forming the connective tissue


to hang on to them. Like it’s, it’s pretty intense, at its most extreme, is just, you know, people draw you dizzy when you stand up. That’s my patients, you know, do you get nausea and vomiting and without any real cause? And that’s the Potts sort of symptom, then you do the 10 minute


standing test looking at blood pressures and pulses. And then the other one is you just do on Zoom to do the Buyten score, you know, can you build your thumb on? Yeah, can you bend your finger back? Let me look at your elbow. It takes 30 seconds. Yeah. And it’s got hyper mobile, they got parts and then my cell symptoms or every, you know, they just inflamed and allergic and Urticaria and angioedema and allergy symptoms and runny nose, runny eyes, seasonal allergies, joint pain. So for these people, still we start with the autonomic regulation, and then there’s little programs now both


Around the DNR s and the copter and this and that, but I don’t find them deep enough, quite frankly.


You don’t? Interesting. Well, I guess especially if there’s ace, I mean, if there’s early childhood trauma, they’re not they’re not going to go there. Because implies it’s sort of like it’s sort of a, an intellectual imposition over an unconscious dynamic.


And you can’t you need to, you need to make unconscious dynamics conscious, right? You only heal through consciousness, you don’t heal by just slapping things on people.


Yeah, take this take that do this go. Yeah. Well, I actually it adds more stress to the system it to some degree. And what do you know, you can’t change a negative thought by thinking of positive thought that doesn’t work? Well, not, not at that point, you can’t.


The unconscious dynamic needs to be looked at, understood and transformed.


So you need consciousness to grapple with some of these entities.


Okay, so step one, is identifying that indeed, a person is dealing with M casts, which presents I mean, I think the people with the worst cases of M casts know at this point, they have a constellation of symptoms that are inexplicable and unresolved, they, they don’t respond to anything, right, or they respond badly to things they should respond well to. So once, once we’ve hopefully gotten to a point where we’ve gotten, we’ve helped them to regulate their nervous system, because nobody’s going to do it for them, right? Like this is really helping in the individual tap into their own ability to self regulate, understand the unconscious dynamics, and self regulate, and know why they self regulating, if you don’t explain the reason, if you don’t provide salience, you are doing these exercises for this reason, because you want to end up over here. But you now over here, to get you this way. It’s like going to the gym, you have to practice and you have to get feedback. And you have to check in with your provider to see if you’re making progress with self regulation. You don’t just say, Oh, you need to meditate and do box breathing. No, it’s great relevance, and you link it, and you measure it, and you see progress that’s has to be sort of supervised and with feedback. Well, you’re rewiring the brain, right? And you’re essentially trying to overcome the dominance of your inner Darth Vader, who’s basically saying, dude, I’m just trying to keep you alive, you don’t understand.


And that’s the toughest one to rewire. Because it’s the it’s the big bully that hides behind. I’m just trying to keep you alive, you just don’t know what’s good for you.


And, and, you know, we have our default mode network, which creates our sense of self, we have our internal dialogue, we have our defense structures, we have all these things in place, that often keep us from knowing what the hidden dynamics are.


We have very sophisticated entities, with lots of slippery sort of corners, you know,


it’s not linear, it’s not, you know, we trained in n squared d squared, medicine, name of disease, name of drugs, single organ, single, single drag. It is completely without merit. When you come to complex illness when you’re trying to do whole person healing. It has the cupboard is bare, there is nothing to offer. Mm hmm. Well, which is what happens to these people, right? They’re desperate. I mean, I see them in my Facebook community, by the time they they show up there. They’ve tried everything. They’ve been everywhere. They’ve been told that they’re crazy half the time off 90% of the time, put on an SSRI and refer to the psychiatrist. Yeah. Which is, which is almost the answer, but not quite.


I mean, you know, we’re there, at least we’re going to the head, but we’re not we’re not doing it with the right intention. You also named mold, high histamine foods. These are things that can probably that I’m guessing you’re addressing while you’re helping this person to do this work, right? Because take a history of mold exposure, which is almost always in every case there. Although mold is too big, you know, it’s hidden. It’s everywhere. It’s everywhere. So you got it. There’s different ways to measure mold illness, and there’s simple quick ways which everybody falls into the trap. They do a urine mycotoxin test to say I got moldy on this. No, that’s not my that’s not chronic inflammatory response syndrome, which is a mold inflammatory condition. You’ve got urine mycotoxin. That doesn’t mean you got SIRs says is the real diagnosis you’ve got that says that you got to take a history. You got to fail the visual contrast test, you got to look at the cytokines. You’ve got to look at the IG


I’ll test for the intracellular mold species and the mycotoxins. Yes, you can do a urine mycotoxin test. But that is not diagnostic. It’s just indicative of a possibility. You got to do Ermias or hurts me twos in the home, you got to measure mold spores. There’s a lot to faking a diagnosis of chronic inflammatory response syndrome, which, by the way, is closely linked to myself. I was gonna say like, they’re, they’re kind of frickin crack the two of them, right? Because you’re, they, they feed, they feed off each other molds, a terrible trigger of miso, terrible trigger, is and it’s ubiquitous. It’s it’s, it’s everywhere. And it doesn’t mean mold in this home, it could be the mold that you were in three homes ago, that’s still in your system that hasn’t been bound up and excreted. So are there people that are more susceptible to that kind of thing? Yes. Yeah. I know, genetically, there’s genes that show that you might be like some people just their body can’t clear it somehow. Yeah, Shoemaker, Richard Shoemaker developed all that genetics around mold toxicity and inability to clear mold.


So there is a genetic basis, because only 25% of the populations are so called mold sensitive. I don’t think that big is correct. I think it’s much more well, there’s probably other genes somewhere that we just don’t, you know, there’s so much we don’t know, in genetics, but the spouse of a mold patient will go What’s wrong with you, I don’t see mold. I don’t feel mold. I’m fine, what’s wrong with you. But then the poor wife is 25% the husband’s part of the 75% they don’t crash with mold. But you know, the child or the wife’s on the floor with mold exposure. And it doesn’t make any sense because it’s a hidden toxin most of the time, for sure. When you go scratching and then you find it behind the drywall, you find it in the dishwasher, you find it behind the washing machine in the washing machine in Sangamon Bobby


in the lift up the toilet along the you know, the all that.


But you smell I mean, I smell mold. I will walk into a place and smell it and my husband will be like, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m like everybody smells it but


they trained dogs to smell for it. Like that dog.


I smell mold and I taste rancid oils. Other people are like, I don’t understand why you don’t like this. I’m like, Dude, this peanut butter or almond butter is rancid and they look at me like I’m crazy. And I look at them like I’m so sorry for you that your taste buds are dead.


Yeah, that’s


yeah. You could smell Molins musty for sure. Yeah, some people.


So do binders help?


In a situation like that? Oh, absolutely. They do. But the common error again, once again, there’s many errors that get made in this holistic functional world of ours. People get you know, they go down the mall. Oh god mold. Well, mold may be one of your triggers. But let’s look for everything else as well. Most the big trigger and if you do have more than you do have inflammation from mold and you have chronic inflammatory response syndrome for mold and your mitochondria undergoing cell death because of mold. Then you do have to a remove yourself, clean up the remediation and you use binders but what is taught is you use colas. tyramine is one of the primary binders because thymine is highly absorbent of all the fats and oils. So if you don’t check the fatty acid status, and you just go throw collars tyramine as a binder, that person is going to crash in front of your eyes. Yeah, yeah, for sure. And that’s, I mean, then the cause it’s funny, I have a box of it sitting there. And I haven’t touched it because I just kind of it’s one of those ones where I’m like, I’m not so sure it’s worth the downside. I’d rather take a whole lot of other stuff and I don’t know depends what what mycotoxin use secreting with a color style I mean, there’s going to be a benefit effective so you really have to do that testing to figure out what is at play here. It’s best for the awkward toxins, you know, but But what I do is I do the body by a Kennedy Krieger fatty acid test and that measures all your omega sixes or your omega threes or your omega nines, it measures your D myelination of your of your fatty acids. And you can see if your total lipid con count is below minus 30 Don’t touch call this dummy you got to crash that mission Interesting. Okay, I use the body by a fatty acid test is my one of my primary tests that I use. Oh no, I didn’t realize they had one I just there’s another company that does an omega fatty acid test but I don’t know if it says detailed that that one but you know what don’t even it’s not it’s not it’s gonna tell you tell you the only test was doing is the Kennedy Krieger test. And it measures all these fatty


He asked his body by I have developed software to interpret nice software from body but it’s not the test. The test is Kennedy Krieger. Okay, so there’s a research based lipid panel. Okay, Kennedy Krieger. Yeah, and it’s the only one worth doing. But you’ve got to put it through the body by software. Because they they give you a nice one page handout, the Omega six omega threes lipids, do this do that. It’s the software that really orientates you to the test. Hey guys quick interruption to the episode to let you in on a huge announcement. And to thank our final sponsor, a final sponsor is profound health, and they are purveyors of oral bio regulator peptides. And that’s the actual extracts of tissues, glands and organs of animals in capsules, so contains the bio regulator peptide, plus all those cofactors. And we use by regulators to help the body to regenerate at a cellular level. All of these different tissues and organs. If you want to learn more about our regular peptides, you can definitely go to the profound dash website and learn more there or you can go back earlier this summer, I recorded a podcast on bio regulator basics that you might find interesting. They also have other amazing anti aging supplements, as well as synthetic bio regulators that are bioavailable just by little drops under the tongue. Now, on your first order, you will get to save 15% Off with discount code longevity 15 All right. So once again, that’s profound dash And now let’s get back to the episode. Well listen, the test is not worth the paper it’s on, if you don’t know what to do with it.


Like literally, there’s no point doing it unless you’re gonna you’re getting a roadmap with it. So or somebody who knows how to interpret it. So okay, so we we measure those, and then the high histamine foods so that this now looks like the low hanging fruit. This is the easy stuff compared to dealing with your early childhood trauma that may or may not have happened from the time you were in the womb, and then dealing with mold, which, you know, remediation is an ugly, ugly thing. Because half the time it doesn’t work like once, once mold is in that and and you know, it’s like mold is probably one of the most well adapted organisms on the face of the planet. Like it’s insidious. So let’s say we’re kind of doing what we can for the mold getting away from the high histamine foods becomes the next thing and these are the people who tell you you know you say to them what listen have some bone broth or have protein shake and they’re like,


like they go into like crisis.


Bone broth, no fermented foods, they just like crush a person overnight. And leftovers are a disaster for these folks. And I live on leftovers, but I mean like to them. Leftovers is it just is not okay. You can freeze your food and then eat it the next day, but don’t leave it in the fridge overnight. Yeah. Though, some people get away with it for 12 hours. But the very severe people they know they can’t do that, you know, so we do, but we I do paleo, autoimmune, low histamine, then adding the oxalates. And you know, the FODMAPs if they have those issues, but it’s usually paleo autoimmune, low histamine, high fat.


Right, usually replace the lipids along with reduce removing the inflammatory foods. So replacing the lipids is a big deal. And this is the body bio stuff. This is restoring the cellular membrane integrity. So let’s talk about that a little bit what those lipids are. Yeah, yeah. So I do I do the body bio fatty acid test. I do the ITL butter Conrail test that test measures phosphate title choline, and phosphate tidal ethyl Alameen. The ethyl LME is on the inner membrane of the mitochondria where your electron transport chain takes place


measures the body voltage.


So if those phosphor titled choline, Phosphatidyl ethanolamine, body volume all affected, you know, you’ve got to replace with phospholipids, then the body by a fatty acid test measures the Omega sixes, and all the Omega threes and the myelinated fats and the mega anions and the saturated fats and measures all of it. So between that and the IGF mitochondrial test, I determine what needs to be done to repair mitochondria and move people out of the cell danger response which takes three to six months to do. It’s long. It’s a long project. Yeah, but that’s but there’s a path to it. Right? And I think by the time people come to you three to six months doesn’t sound so bad when they’ve been suffering for years. I’m sure. So, so high fat so you’re saying hi, high fat have the right fat


kind of diet, you’ve got to analyze what they’re deficient in.


And then you got to replace that particular fat. So we have all these kinds of oils that have different


structures that repeat, like primrose oil for, you know, DGI, we’ve got different oils for different deficiencies. Interesting. So you just very choose your fat replacement accordingly. That’s amazing. So you’re literally kind of going at it like really like rebuilding that cellular membrane to help him to regain function. And so do you. Do you see people actually start to stabilize at some point? I mean, it sounds amazing, right? Like, no, no, it must be. It must be for these people where they wake up one morning and all of a sudden, they may not itch, or they don’t have a rash, or they get better when the test starts improving, they feel better. And they repair their cell membranes. They repair the mitochondria. They stabilize the mast cells, usually with diet and lifestyle stabilizers, which we haven’t discussed. And then they stabilize the autonomic nervous system and amygdala so they’re not so twitchy and so reactive all the time.


Yeah, so you got all the things going. So let’s talk about those mast cell stabilizer stabilizers you said, right?


So we use this nutraceuticals. And there’s you know, we use the hiss Dao enzyme, which we measure there’s tests from Precision labs, measures Dao.


There’s a Doa enzyme you can get from any genetic profile as well to see if you have and


then we look at the h&m T gene to see if you break down histamine appropriately. We look at methylation because most of method lot of methylation goes towards making phospholipids and breaking down histamine intracellularly. But what we do is we use Dao for the gut Dao, you use quercetin and associated nutrients, including vitamin C, there’s many others.


black cumin seed and Nigella sativa and luteolin for nutraceuticals vitamins, yeah, we use those. But I usually go straight to pharmaceuticals, I go straight, and I get them all compounded. Because if you go over the counter, you get all the excipients and dyers, which just make you worse, not better. But yeah, you’re talking about the most sensitive people on the planet here. So those things would destroy them. For sure. I usually start with h1 blocker. I use the h1 like levers tourism when you have to dose it twice a day, not once a day, even though it says 24 hours, not 24 hours. And if you don’t dose it twice a day, you get breakthrough history in flares. So we use h1 blocker, we use h2 blockers. And we use first generation h1 blockers at night called key Titan and keep our different own stabilizers. My sauce at NAB is also anti histamine, so you get nighttime coverage while you’re sleeping.


And then we go on to cromolyn a lot of the time. Chroma is like quercetin, it’s a mast cell stabilizer particularly for those people with food sensitivities and food reactions. And then we go on to monta, Lucasta singular, which is for the asthma, the leukotrienes. And then there’s a whole host of other pharmaceuticals you can use if you need to, but generally speaking, we get most of the work done doing that. But you know, a lot of these very sick people, I can’t take anything, I can’t do anything. And they can’t and you’ve got to bring I have to have to come to patients move to Calgary to be stabilized. We have to get them in a neutral environment. Some of our patients have developed mold free EMF free homes where people stay.


And then they stay for three to six months. And then they get IV muscle intravenous stabilization to begin with, while they’re learning self regulation. Then we add the oral supplements and my soft stabilizers while they got IV coverage.


And we’re building a window of tolerance building self regulation, lowering the amygdala building up the fats, they all speak to the nutritionist Justin Stanger, who gets them on a paleo autoimmune, low histamine high fat diet, if tolerated sometimes some people need more carbs. A lot of people need more protein as well. Yeah, but it’s all done through a chronometer, we do the eight day chronometer, we do the freestyle libera blood sugar measurements. So we get everything regulated and try and get that system to stabilize and move them through the cell danger response which is anyway as I said, from six months to a year sometimes. Wow.


And so do people. Then after this six months to a year work is done


Do they then just go on their merry way and have a perfectly normal histamine meself stable life? Or are these people often? You know, it’s a it’s an ongoing journey. Let’s say it’s an ongoing


relationship with your body and mind. And yes, they move through the cell, they’re no longer in cell danger response. They’re not shut down.


Functional, they’re back at work, they’re off disability, they, you know, they can live a life, their brain fog is lifted, they got the concentrating, they can focus, they can have energy.


And but then they always have to be hyper vigilant for being smart. They go on holiday, they go into a moldy hotel room, they go eat buffet dressed mean, yeah. Well, the more moldy hotels are the worst and you can’t screen for those. You know, the Airbnb site does not, there’s no sniff test.


People crash all the time from those sort of exposures, you know, so they always sensitive and vulnerable, but they get super educated and, you know, not to the point of neurosis, that they’re just gonna say hyper vigilant, hypervigilant, is a bit of a of a, it’s a trigger word, right? Because we just spent all this time saying they have to wait, you know, you’re helping them to retrain themselves not to be in constant sympathetic mode. So it’s conscious hyper vigilance.


They know they walk into a hotel room and it smells musty. It’s best they probably leave. Yeah. Whereas before they try and stick it out and try and please, the spouse or something, you know? Yeah. Yeah. No, they just put their foot down, honey, I’m out of here. I don’t care what we lose our deposit. I don’t care. Yeah, yeah. Because they know, well, and by then probably their spouse or their partner knows, you know, saying that you’re trying to fight this is just impossible, it’s a world of hurt, right? You’re just you’re gonna be dealing with a partner who’s unhappy and miserable, and it is not going to be a romantic holiday, it’s just not going to happen.


We always try and make sure that the value systems of both partners are equally aligned, and that the spouse comes to the educational trainings and sessions so that they get an understanding. Because it’s very, you know, if you have an avoidant spouse, and an anxious, you know, they have different attachment styles it can lead to a disaster can lead to managers breaking up? Well, for sure, and especially in a world where, you know, a lot of a lot of this type of patient gets told by the conventional medical system, that it’s all in their head. And you know, what you said earlier, you know, go see a psychiatrist, get out of your head, and you’re gonna be fine. This is and you know, and then if you have an unsympathetic or, or a spouse who doesn’t get it, it’s a family. That’s unsupportive. Yeah, exactly, it’s gonna make the problem worse, it’s gonna make you feel worse, it’s like, it’s just going to exacerbate the situation. So you know, to bring in the partner or family member or someone as a support person who can actually get their heads around understanding what’s going on.


Not to mention, allowing the person to feel safe with someone to help co regulators sort of their creators, limbic resonance and CO regulation, which is extremely important in the beginning phases of treatment anyway, you know, while people are getting back on their feet, I mean, I can’t tell you how many people just end up crying in my office, because they say, Thank God, you know, finally, this makes sense. Yeah, I’m not crazy. You know, I can’t bear the rejection by all the help prepare, whoever is trying to do the best, but it’s just not in consensual reality. The full scope of this condition hasn’t really reached the academic institutions where it’s not taught and, and used. It’s still in its infancy. So it’s a new way of looking at things. Yeah, it is. And it’s, and do you think, do you think it was around 4050 years ago or really what you’re talking about? It’s the human body was not built to deal with this kind of crap. And it’s just awesome to be exposed. There’s no question it’s an escalating condition that’s gotten worse decade to decade. Yeah. Wow.


Okay, well, let’s think on that for a minute ladies and gentlemen, and let’s pull out our self regulating devices our brain taps and new comms and whatnots are since it’s an Apollo’s I mean there’s you know, like I mean, I’m sure you see them right the number of devices that are out there right now, and nevermind people with M casts just Joe Blow walking down the street. We know that if we can help people to get out of this constant state of of activation hanging on you know, an activation I mean, if nothing else, it shuts down our immune system. It shifts to th one th


You balance goes through the roof. Yeah, yeah. No, we live in very challenging times. And we can’t take our, you know, we can’t take resilience for granted anymore, let alone all the political changes and all the cultural adjustments and let’s, let’s not, let’s forget this stuff go. Yeah, no, we can’t even go there. No. And I mean, you know, at this stage of the game, I think people are left in one of two camps, you’ve got the camp, that’s like taking up arms and saying, you know, we have to do something about this, and they’re taking it on. And, you know, we need definitely, we need people taking on whatever system is broken and trying to fix it. And then you get other people who are just kind of like keeping their heads down and going, you know, I’m just gonna keep doing what I’m doing over here and hope it goes away. But even for that person, and for both camps, the idea of self regulation, the idea of building it, and what you said it perfectly building resilience in your system, so that you can deal with, with the the incoming all the time, and it doesn’t directly affect you. And building sanctuaries, you know, finding a space that, you know, when you sleep at night, you know, bombarded by your router that you know, the amplifier that’s under your pillow, or, you know, the dirty electricity from your switch, we send building biologists into every patient’s home to measure electrical fields, magnetic fields, radio frequencies, and dirty electricity, because people with my cell activation, which by the way,


electromagnetic fields amplify mold exposure dramatically. Yeah, they have to create sanctuaries, they have to eat impeccably, they have to sleep and you know, they had to create, often they have to create Faraday cages with silver nets, and, and they have to turn off the electricity to the beds, bedside lights and turn off the routers or have kill switches to their routers. And it’s not neurotic. It’s just makes sense. Smart. It’s just smart. I mean, having it you know, we’re I’m moving into, like, I live in a very old house. And so we’re, you know, I’ve been kicking and screaming because my husband decided, you know, almost unilaterally, we’re downsizing. We’re leaving this house. And I’m like, No, I like my house, I don’t want to go. And meanwhile, I’m sitting here thinking, and if he listens to this episode, he’s going to come over, and he’s going to be seriously, you said that. And, and, but we’re moving into a home that was built 16 years ago. And these, I now I’m gonna have a lot more options in terms of what I can and cannot do in this, like in this house. We’re lucky to have electricity in that house, there will be a breaker that’s associated with the room. But I can tell that it’s not a smart home was rigged up to me. It’s not. No, it’s not. It’s not that. I mean, and you know, it’s interesting, right? Smart Homes, electric vehicles.


All of this, like somebody who I think we went, Oh, yeah, we went in to get buy a dishwasher and a washing machine and a dryer. And they’re like, Oh, guess what, you can get these smart electronics, and you can program it from the car. And I’m like, why would I even want to do that? Like, why would I want to bring more of this into my life? I don’t need to tell my dishwasher to turn on when I’m in the car. I can turn it on when I get home. That’s what buttons are.


I do believe that we will evolutionary adjust to the incoming toxic load and develop some resilience in our genetic machinery.


I like that line of thinking, Yeah, I don’t think we’re doomed to sort of be extinct because of the incoming toxic load. I mean, even yes, we’ve had periods of extinction. But there’s a sort of, you know, that whenever we support whenever we challenge, there’s always an adjustment that we make, and we develop genetic mutations. Unfortunately, it is, you know, the strong survive and the weak guy really does amount to that, in the end, the ones who have resilience, good gene pools, you know, they stay healthy, and they they survive better longer. But we do have to adjust a whole new mental healthcare model of well being as opposed to disease can rise to the host shifting consciousness and an awareness of environmental toxins and all these things. It will come it’ll come. Yeah, no, I agree with you. And I do think that there’ll be and your I’ve heard it from a couple of people, this whole idea of, you know, eventually nonnative EMFs acting as a hormetic stressor, as long as you’re not one of these electrically sensitive people. If we have healthier membranes, if we’re eating better foods, if we’re, you know, if we’re taking care of all those other things, and limit the toxins, all those toxins, whether it’s stress or EMF or food


and just give ourselves more buffer, human beings have value systems, you know, we have relationships we have


have social connections, we have health and well being. We have mental health education, we have careers, and we have the making of money. And then we have our spiritual calling what we meant to do, we have to raise health as a very dominant value across the board. We cannot take your absence of disease. Forget about that’s not health. No, yeah, we know that. So when you know, people come and see me for wellness, medicine, you open the hood, and they just rife with all sorts of metabolic imbalances, you know.


So yeah, so we’ve got to emphasize healthcare. And we emphasize food and emphasize nutrition and stress response and sleep and exercise and flexibility and movement, that must become the new model that we will work towards the disease care model has had its day. And we don’t want it to go away, because we still want a day when we get diseases. But we’ve got to replace it with a whole new paradigm that’s has equal clout and validity and consensual reality. And it’s not, you know, oh, those hippies over there, they know, this is real, this, we’ve got to raise health as a value system and make it stand alongside disease care. Well, and I think to do that, effectively, it has to it even has to be taught in schools, like it needs to be woven through the very fabric, like little kids, like a man, you know, like I’ve and I know this one, I’ve worked with families as a nutritionist, and when the little kids get on board, and they are like the Secret Service, these kids are relentless. Like when you get them on side, nobody gets destroyed. And they’re awesome. But they have to be empowered and taught and, and given the tools. And the next wave was, you know, this whole Surgeon General of the United States issued some thing two days ago saying the exposure to social media electromagnetics is definitely impeding children’s mental health and well being. It’s, you know, it’s gaining momentum, because lobbyists are fighting against all of it. So it’s a very, it’s a big struggle,


maybe a century to evolve into a new paradigm. But yeah, it will eventually get there. Yeah. And it comes down to the individuals, right. I think different parents, it’s up to parents to make, make different choices for their kids not buy them a cell phone when therefore. And you know, those things, but it’s going to be a process and but there’s hope, right? I mean, that’s the good news. And the good news is that, you know, for people with M casts,


there’s a sense of desperation until they come across people like you, doctors, like you who, you know, it’s not like you have all the answers, but you sure have figured out a bunch of it, and you can help them to get to a place a better place. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. This patient I saw this morning had no clue she had pots, not only she had pots, she has a misoperation for foods and reacting to angioedema, urticaria reactionary said, Are you dizzy when you stand up? Yes, I think I have pots. As I was told some time ago, I had pots. She did a blood pressure she had like pots, like the worst case I’ve seen in a long time. And she just started putting more salt in water in her diet, and she’s feeling 50% Better, just one little thing. Now pots isn’t well recognized. Either. We don’t use that, well. 10. There you go. For a tilt table, you don’t need a tilt table test. You just do 10 minutes of your blood pressure lying down. You lie down for three minutes, take your blood pressure pulse stand up for one minute. Take it again with the Omron you know, three minutes, five minutes, 10 minute. If your pulse rate goes up over 30 beats per minute over there 10 minutes, or over 120 At any given time. You got Putz? Really? Yeah, oh, if your systolic blood pressure drops more than 20 You’ve got orthostatic hypotension. If you don’t treat that you won’t fix your muscle activation.


So pots comes right up front and center. And is that because it sends a stress signal to the nervous system like shits about to go bad? And therefore that puts you in that fight or flight? Like it drives anxiety? Virtually right? Anxiety it drives it’s better if you don’t perfuse your mitochondria and you or your brain because then there’d be that Yeah.


You get hypoxia hypovolemia you feel awful.


And they walk around sort of dizzy and can’t stand up and feeling faint and palpitations and pots is ubiquitous, especially amongst that phenotype I mentioned. Yeah, yeah.


Okay, well, we’ve covered a lot of ground sir


Yeah, it’s, I love what I do. And it’s very pleasant when you finally can help a person put some foot on the ground and stabilize the imbalances and provide insight that my colleagues in traditional medicine, having come from medical school, we just don’t learn this, you know, postgraduate exposure and interests of mine. That’s why I know it, but I was gonna say what sent you down this path? Like, how did you get here? Because, uh, you’re, you’re classically trained MD, like, you’re you went to med school.


I was interested in as a young boy and what? How did people become the most evolved? They could possibly be? So I was always curious from a very young age. What does it take to become self? actualized?


Young age? All right. You’ve been around a few for a while. Okay. I read your um, and I read about individuation self. And then I got exposed to Indian, you know, philosophies and things. So when I became an MD, I was like, these people are presented with all these senses. But who are they really? And who do they wish to become? So then I started to just just examine everything that could possibly help a person self actualizing become who they meant to be. And that led to every single, you know, ology in the book, I got to go study everything I still study. I just came back last night from Ozone conference learning.


Yeah, ozone is a very interesting, very interesting area, especially when you’re trying to, you know, reduce toxic load and a person and treat mitochondrial issues. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I have that podcast, and you have to


stay curious. You just stay, you know, close to the end, you listen to your patients? Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, you said one thing earlier that not a lot of I mean, that, you know, in the conventional system, there’s no space allowed for this anymore. And it’s that whole, taking down medical history with the patient. And, and, and that can that takes time. But the person taking the history has to be exposed to a very wide range, there has to be a new curriculum of, of healer, who gets exposed to a very wide range of ologies and sciences and methodologies. So that when they sitting in front of a patient, they can go up and down layers and levels of healing, not just work with biochemistry and mechanistic medicine. They know if there’s inherited trauma, if there’s early defense structures, if there’s, you know, they can tell just by taking the history, that the diagnostic pellet has to be very broad. Yeah, don’t be trained in n squared d squared medical school only, they have to be curious about the human condition. Yeah. And they have a curriculum that’s exposes them to some of the core tenants of the of what it takes to diagnose and treat a complex patient. Maybe your next job, she needs to be like starting a new med school or some kind. I’ve written my book is the new curriculum I’ve written again, you have, yeah, I should have that book published. Well, when it’s published.


Okay, at some point, you’re just gonna have to put your pen down and send it off to the publisher. And you can always do a version two, or an addendum.


But as I sit down on a Friday night to start a chapter for revision, and then I get, you know, a new podcast to listen to or something. Yeah, no, yeah, yeah. Okay, you know what, you’re just gonna have to give us what you got. And then you can always just give us more.


For an idea, no, I’ve written this book, the new curriculum, seven stages to health and transformation, a new medical curriculum. And that is the title of the book. It’s based on the layers and levels of healing, and how you need to amplify your diagnostic and therapeutic template. And I do wish to eventually have people fill in all the gaps of all the layers and levels that are created, and then create a new curriculum for a new healer, or a new a new way of approaching complex illness. Yeah, well, I think that’s brilliant. You just, you know, the way to get the ball rolling, though, is to put that book out.


I’ve done small versions of it. All right, whatever.


chapter by chapter, if you have to whatever.


All right. Well, Dr. Hoffman, I thank you so much for today. Is there anything else that you’d like to leave the audience with? I mean, you’ve you’ve dropped a lot of wisdom on us, but yeah, anything else? I just, I just, you know, I don’t know if there’s anything else to say but don’t. If you’ve read for patients, or anybody who’s hearing if you don’t be tempted to find the latest diagnosis, the mole the heavy metal, just be careful of that. It’s usually that plus 50 other things. That’s number one. Number two, you your body is the final resting place.


Not only of your own experiences, but your ancestral experience as well. So it may not have started with you, which is the title of one of my friends bookmark Walden, who did family work. So it may not be what you think it is. And there may be a complexity that you haven’t even imagined. And don’t lose hope, because you will find the heat up. If you stay curious and you stay open, you will eventually, hopefully, meet up with somebody who can assist you on your transition path, you know.


And so in the meantime, you may have to deal with an you know, somebody who’s got a little piece of the puzzle, hopefully, over time, you can expand and meet people who got a bigger piece of the puzzle, who can see the whole you and institute a whole person healing, not just parts are not just SIBO, or not just Lyme, you know, you really, really need to have a very broad diagnostic palate, when we’re sitting in front of a person and listening listening to what they’re trying to tell you. Yeah, yeah. Well, I actually interviewed a practitioner last year. And she said, you know, almost without fail, the patient has the answer. Did you have the lucky. They know, like, they know everything changed when or things have never been the same since or they it’s just the taking the time to like, in her case that you know, she had one patient, she wasn’t getting anywhere with her. She went back to her pages and pages and pages of notes and came across this one thing and said, Oh, I missed that goes back, talk to the patient. And boom, it turned out to be a turning point for for the practitioner and for the patient. And patients are very educated. Now. They all have a Google and whatnot. And they will come in and say oh, have you thought of this? Have you thought of that? What about this? And nine times out of 10 day in suggestions are completely spot on. Interesting. Interesting. Body, right. Oh, I gotta talk today. I have a salt supplement for parts that I hadn’t heard of. So I go look it up quick. Yeah, he was right. Is that is a better option. The one I was using. There you go. And there’s people making stuff all the time. Right. So there’s always something new.


All right. Well, Dr. Hoffman, where can people find you Ben? When Calgary, Calgary. So Hoffman center. Your website is Hoffman


Oh, come on.


I think if you Google happened center, it comes up. The title is Hopkins Center for functional and integrative medicine, but I don’t think you have to put that in. It’s just open center. Okay. Perfect.


in Calgary, Alberta. This is in Canada, folks. No, this is not a US doctor with this is one of our own in Canada. Very proud of him. So thank you so much for your time and for sharing and we’re looking forward to the book when you decide to share it with the rest of us. Get it out for sure. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, bye bye. Thanks so much for joining me on this episode of The biohacking superhuman performance podcast. If you enjoyed the show, please remember to leave us a five star review on iTunes, because that’s what helps us to be heard and to be seen. If you’d like to connect with me directly. Or if you’d like to leave any comments or if you have any questions about MCAS or this episode, please reach out to me directly through my website, Matt And of course, if you’re not already a member of the biohacking to superhuman performance community on Facebook, that’s where you’ll find me every day. It’s a short application, just answered a couple of questions and you’re in and interfacing with other amazing biohackers thanks again, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on the next episode.

Dr. Bruce Hoffman

Dr. Bruce Hoffman, MSc, MBChB, FAARM, IFMCP is a Calgary-based Integrative and Functional medicine practitioner. He is the medical director at the Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine and The Brain Centre of Alberta specializing in complex medical conditions.

He was born in South Africa and obtained his medical degree from the University of Cape Town. He is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFM), is board certified with a fellowship in anti-aging (hormones) and regenerative medicine (A4M), a certified Shoemaker Mold Treatment Protocol Practitioner (CIRS) and ILADS trained in the treatment of Lyme disease and co-infections.

He is the co-author of a recent paper published by Dr. Afrin’s group: Diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome: a global “consensus-2”. Read more about Dr. Bruce Hoffman.